I absolutely love reviewing products because it saves money and I get to try lots of great products. My sister is pregnant with her 1st child so I wanted to get her something she would definitely use. She has always been a worrier so I knew this was the perfect gift when I saw it. I only wish I had a product this great a decade ago when I was having my first baby. This product is easy to use, compact and comes with a very clear instruction book. I was excited just looking at the instructions because they are in English and very easy to understand which seems to be hard to find these days. This will fit with any decor and the quality is great. It has 2 way communication and supports up to 4 cameras. The package only comes with 1 camera but you can easily purchase up to 3 more to have as few or many as you want throughout your house. You can easily switch between the cameras on the menu of the 3.5" screen. It's basically a controller because you can check and adjust everything from it. It has night vision, room temperature detection and it has great vertical and horizontal rotation which you can also change from the screen without having to disturb your baby by going into the room and doing it. You can change the sound settings and volume of this and the control is so easy to use. There is a battery indicator on it so you can keep track of it and make sure it's ready to go. It's the perfect baby shower gift but can also be used for as your child grows to keep an eye on them when they are playing. I like that you are able to use it for awhile because it definitely makes it worth the price. I highly recommend this product and here is the link to check it out! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074J911Y8
If you have a Wii then you have controllers that need charged so you can actually play. While regular batteries are nice at times rechargeable batteries are better for the environment and last much longer which makes them a cheaper and better option. Not only do you get the charger but you also you also get 4 rechargeable battery packs. I already have battery packs for my controllers but it's nice to have extras or just others to change them up so your not using the same ones all the time. I love how compact this product is and since it doesn't take up a lot of space and it can be set on any surface even a small one. There is a light at the bottom of the dock station that lets you know if they are charging or charged so you don't have to guess. They even work with the actual Wii controllers and off brand wii controllers too. It has a usb cord for charging so you can plug it in many different ways. It takes 8 hours to charge 2 batteries and they can last for up to 25 hours of game play. You do need to make sure that you get them in right so the red light is on at the bottom. It turns blue when it is fully charged and you can take them off the charger. While this doesn't come with any instructions it's pretty easy to use so it wasn't a big deal to me that they weren't there but it would have been nice to have them. Overall it's a good product and it keeps you playing the games you love so it's definitely worth checking out! https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dvideogames&field-keywords=wii+controller&field-brandtextbin=Sminiker+Professional
I often struggle to find things my son will enjoy that doesn't revolve around tablets, cell phones, game systems and screens in general. He does like dinosaurs and has dinosaur toys and other things he still keeps. He isn't a big fan of reading unless it's something that interests him and that isn't always easy to find. These magazines are great because there is a story on about 4 pages and also a comic strip on the back cover. It also includes games and activities, facts and comparisons. There are plenty of pictures throughout the whole book so its not just words and a timeline to show when they lived. There is lots of information included and its really fascinating to learn about history and to see how things have changed over time. The pages are beautiful, bright and colorful and the quality of these is amazing. I have included a few random inside pages along with the front and back so you can see a little of what you are getting. The pictures I have included don't do them justice. You can also get these digitally so you can read them on your tablet, phone or on the go. You get a new one every other month when you sign up for a year subscription which is 6 for the year. Overall I am very happy with the quality and content of these magazines and love that I was able to give my son something he actually enjoys. This is definitely something I would recommend to others and I am so happy I was able to review these and share with all of you my thoughts and feelings. Please check out the website and with the holidays coming up these can make a great Christmas gift. http://www.zoobooks.com/zoodinos