I was approved to try the UNREAL Candy Bars as part of the BuzzCampaigns. They are pretty good for being better for you but some are better than others. The candy coated chocolates are great but the peanut buttercups are a little on the cheap tasting side. You should definately try them though because they are worth it. I just got them 2/$2 at CVS in Carlisle. I have a few buy one get one free coupons if anyone is interested in trying them. You can go here http://getunreal.com/ and learn more about the UNREAL unjunked candy bars. Let me know what you think about them or if you want a coupon.

*Disclosure: YES, every person I spoke with in person or communicated with online mentioned in this BzzReport knows that I'm a BzzAgent and that I received a product sample, coupon, collateral or other special premium from BzzAgent.*
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