It's super important to be prepared whether your home or travelling. This Roadside Emergency Kit by Survival Hax has everything you need if you get stuck away from home. It has a rain poncho, tow rope, emergency whistle, reflective warning triangle that folds small for easy storage, window breaker/seat belt cutter tool, jumper cables, pvc tape, fire starter flint, 15 cable ties, 2 light sticks, a reflective safety vest, a candle, a hand crank flashlight, 3 bungee cords, 8" crescent wrench, tire pressure gauge, gloves with grippers, a 9-in-1 multi-tool and a first aid kit. These items are all great for emergencies but also for non-emergencies. There are tons of items in the first aid kit like 4 gauze pads, 20 band-aids, 6 alcohol prep pads, a tourniquet, 4 antiseptic wipes, 1 small pair of scissors, 1 roll of first aid tape, 1 pair of metal tweezers, a rescue blanket, 1 small and 1 large elastic bandage, 1 pair of pvc gloves, a triangle bandage, 5 cotton balls and 6 safety pins. Many of these items are great for non-emergencies as well as actual emergencies but one of my favorite things is that there is extra space in the bag so that you can add some things to personalize it to your needs. Personally I would add a few extra pairs of gloves, more band-aids and an extra flash light. I am all about being prepared and this kit is well put together, compact so it doesn't take up a lot of space in your vehicle and pretty durable. Overall I am so glad I have this in my vehicle and I feel safer just knowing I have it. Check it out! #survivalhax #roadside #emergencykit Also, here is a link to the Youtube video I did showing you each item in the kit.

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